I agree! So much so, that I have chosen to dedicate my career in sharing with both adults and kids, the calming and self-regulating benefits of just “being” with horses. It is such an effective way to connect with yourself and listen to your intuition.
It’s true for all animals, isn’t it? Over the years, so many of my readers at HenCam told me that their greatest pleasure of having hens was simply sitting and watching them. We don’t give ourselves that luxury of time, nor recognize the opportunities to do so these days, but when we do, it’s wonderful on so many levels.
Peggy Hedin
When they let me, I like to stand with my forehead on their forehead and rub whatever I can reach (One is a pony.) Other than that it’s long grooming sessions, during which I talk to them incessantly. They put up with me, and I adore them.
I love doing this. Also, going into the barn first thing in the morning to feed – the nickering and whickering, then the contented sounds of horses gettting down to business. what a pleasure.
Yes indeed! I have wonderful memories of a summer job that required me to walk through hay fields at sunrise to get to the barn that was full of talking horses. It’s one reason why I’m a morning person.
I agree! So much so, that I have chosen to dedicate my career in sharing with both adults and kids, the calming and self-regulating benefits of just “being” with horses. It is such an effective way to connect with yourself and listen to your intuition.
It’s true for all animals, isn’t it? Over the years, so many of my readers at HenCam told me that their greatest pleasure of having hens was simply sitting and watching them. We don’t give ourselves that luxury of time, nor recognize the opportunities to do so these days, but when we do, it’s wonderful on so many levels.
When they let me, I like to stand with my forehead on their forehead and rub whatever I can reach (One is a pony.) Other than that it’s long grooming sessions, during which I talk to them incessantly. They put up with me, and I adore them.
They do put up with us, don’t they? 🙂
I love doing this. Also, going into the barn first thing in the morning to feed – the nickering and whickering, then the contented sounds of horses gettting down to business. what a pleasure.
Yes indeed! I have wonderful memories of a summer job that required me to walk through hay fields at sunrise to get to the barn that was full of talking horses. It’s one reason why I’m a morning person.
How do they make chewing hay sound so….delicious?