I hiked 4.5 miles today. I saw ATV and mountain bike tracks. One human footprint. Heard one pileated woodpecker. Other than that, I had the woods to myself. I’m on a mission to find good trails to ride Tonka on. I’m also on a mission to get to know those […]

Finding My Way

Like much of the rest of the world, the last couple of weeks we’ve been recluses. This has made it blatantly clear how off-the-beaten path our house is. To get here one drives a mile down an unpaved road and then turns onto our private dirt road. The only cars […]

Trail Cam. Bobcats!

I started working on this blogpost before everything shut down. I haven’t seen my horse for nearly three weeks. It’s been almost impossible to sit at my keyboard and write about horse training while I’ve been homebound. However, I do much of my writing in my head before I type a […]

Training The Big Picture

It’s been two weeks since my boarding barn closed to all but essential workers. It seems like longer. I know I’m in a fortunate position. Financially I’ll be able to weather this downtime. I can afford my horse. I can afford to pay Steph (my jump trainer and one of […]

Riding Trails Found

I’ve been exercising using videos. Some cardio. Some easy yoga. I’ve tried at least a dozen YouTube channels and have checked out many others. The instructors are super upbeat, but there’s something they all do that is insidiously counterproductive to their optimistic you can do it tone. If only these […]

Turning Don’t Into Do

I’ve always been one to wash my hands. I’ve cooked professionally in kitchens. I’ve taken food safety courses.  I know how important it is. But I have to say that washing one’s hands for 20 seconds can seem like an interminable amount of time! Have you set a watch to […]

20-Second Videos From Maine

It’s been just over a week since the governor of Maine shut down businesses to try to shut out the corona virus. Only people in essential positions are allowed to travel for work. Farmers are in that category. I’d like to think that I’m essential to my horse’s well-being and […]

The Current Situation

In 2018 I wrote a blogpost about how much I love my pickup truck. I use it to pull a horse trailer, but it’s also my daily ride. That blog hit a chord. In that blog I wrote about how salesmen ignored me when I went shopping for a pickup […]

Loving On Our Trucks

Last night, after two days without barn and horse time, I was feeling adrift and knew that it would only get worse if I didn’t figure out how to maximize the other good things in my life while that one BIG THING is on sabbatical. To that end, when I […]

Marsh Time