A Conversation With Tonka

By Terry Golson

Hello, Tonka, what’s on your mind?






Anything else?

Nope. Just peppermints.



There’s still grass in the paddock. Why don’t you go graze?

Nope. I’d rather have peppermints.



You got your peppermints during a riding workoutHow about a hug instead?

That’ll do.



note: that thing on the side of my head is a cochlear implant. You can read more about that here.

Tonka says that I should add this note, too: Although he loves all peppermints, he has just discovered the very, very best.

. He says that they’re done in one satisfying crunch, even when he has a bit in his mouth. I like them too. No individual plastic wrappers, so it’s easy to deliver treats from the saddle, and they’re white, so his slobber doesn’t turn a scary pink!

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